Monday, March 29, 2010

Blogs in Plain English

Session Eight

Today's session is all about the "support" part of our values, or we could call it the "network" part. You are going to create a blog on a topic of your choice and use it to bring together media related to your chosen interest as well as perhaps beginning to create a little learning network. I'll post the links when you have set them up so you can visit one another's. Meanwhile, have a look at the animation above to see what blogging is all about.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Session Seven

As this is our last session before Easter we are playing a game today. Your teacher will explain the rules of "Thought Exchange".

Before you start, have a go at one example of each card to get used to the format.

Now divide into a maximum of six teams (preferably fewer, say four teams) and take a coloured person for each team. Draw a "Route Planner" card and put your person on the Start circle. Take three counters to hand in when you change lines. Remember to change lines you must stop at an interchange, even if that is fewer moves than the number you rolled. If you answer correctly within the time you may roll again, and then await your next turn.

After you have been playing for ten minutes, stop and discuss what techniques you are using to meet the different challenges: you may well learn something from another group.

And at the end, some more braincandy: is there a difference between playing and learning?