Thursday, June 24, 2010

What do you think of it so far?

Last Thursday was the final braincandy session of the year and students filled in evaluation sheets for the sessions they had attended. Games had been popular, as well as the Multiple Intelligences quiz, learning a new language, and lateral thinking by asking questions. Students then attempted a more creative way of feeding back, by constructing a "straw statue" about something significant they learnt this year. Have a look at Laura and Jessica's model above, with their thought-provoking explanation below. Well done to everyone on participating with such enthusiasm and originality - and see you next year for more braincandy.

Thinking out of the box

"There is a square box, and within the box are lines running straight and hitting the sides. This represents thinking within the box; the lines run straight, and so are not very interesting, and hit walls, signifying restrictions which do not allow you to expand. There are also lines running outside the box, which go in different directions, and match up with more thoughts running off. These thoughts span a larger area. This signifies that thinking outside the box permits you to expand, and reach a higher level of explanation and understanding."

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